Redline Stealer 2021 Cracked
Building features:
1) Collects from browsers:
a) Login and passwords
b) Cookies
c) Autocomplete fields
d) Credit cards
2) Supported browsers:
a) All Chromium-based browsers ( Even Chrome latest version )
b) All browsers based on Gecko (Mozilla, etc.)
3) Data collection from FTP clients, IM clients
4) Customizable file-grabber according to the criteria Path, Extension, Search in subfolders (you can configure for the necessary cold wallets, steam, etc.)
5) Sample by country. Setting up a blacklist of countries where the build will not work
6) Setting up anti-duplicate logs in the panel
7) Collects information about the victim’s system:
Current user name
Keyboard layouts
Screen resolution
Operating system
UAC Settings
is the current build running with administrator privileges
Information about component PCs ( video cards, processors )
Installed antiviruses