Miner CPU GPU Builder v1.0.1
Miner CPU GPU Builder v1.0.1


Miner CPUGPU Builder v1.0.1

Hidden miner that allows you to mine XMR ETH ETC coins.

Miner Functions

The NET – Miner installer and watchdog timer are encoded in C#, the loader/injector is encoded in .NET Framework 4.6

CPU Mining

GPU Mining

Does not work when Task Manager, Hacker Process and Management Console are open

Injection (Silent/Hidden) – Hide payload behind another process

Coin mining, ETC&ETH, via lolminer

Mutex Generation

Copying files and their descriptions

bypassUAC/disableDefenderNotifications/Hide from TaskManager/Anti-Sandbox/Debug (Stealth Mode)

Download Miner CPUGPU


Miner CPUGPU Download